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Delivery & Pickup Conditions:
  • Orders Over INR 20,000: Delivery and pickup are available.
  • Orders Under INR 20,000: Pickup from our 24/7 store.
  • Anytime Service: Pickup and delivery can be arranged any time, 24/7.
Rental Cycle:
  • Pickup: From 08:00 AM on rental day. Rental starts at 08:00 AM.
  • Return: By 08:00 AM the next day. Late returns may incur extra fees.
  • Late Fee: Charged for each 24-hour period if not returned by 08:00 AM.
ID: Son/BU/8K


Camorent is proud to showcase the Sony BURANO, an innovative 8K digital motion picture camera that sets new standards in cinematic excellence. With its full-frame sensor, stunning 8K resolution, and advanced color science, the BURANO is designed to deliver unparalleled image quality and versatility. Ideal for feature films, television productions, commercial advertising, and documentary
Delivery & Pickup Conditions:
  • Orders Over INR 20,000: Delivery and pickup are available.
  • Orders Under INR 20,000: Pickup from our 24/7 store.
  • Anytime Service: Pickup and delivery can be arranged any time, 24/7.
Rental Cycle:
  • Pickup: From 08:00 AM on rental day. Rental starts at 08:00 AM.
  • Return: By 08:00 AM the next day. Late returns may incur extra fees.
  • Late Fee: Charged for each 24-hour period if not returned by 08:00 AM.

Introducing the Sony BURANO, now available at Camorent. This groundbreaking 8K digital motion picture camera is engineered to elevate cinematic storytelling to new heights. With its state-of-the-art technology, including a full-frame sensor and advanced color science, the BURANO delivers extraordinary image quality and versatility for the most demanding professional applications.

Key Features:

  • 8K Resolution: Experience the future of filmmaking with the BURANO’s remarkable 8K resolution. Capture every detail with unparalleled clarity and sharpness, ensuring that your visuals are both stunning and immersive. The high resolution allows for extensive cropping and digital manipulation without compromising image quality.
  • Full-Frame Sensor: The BURANO features a full-frame sensor that enhances depth of field and low-light performance. This sensor size provides greater flexibility in achieving creative effects and ensures superior performance across a range of shooting conditions, from bright daylight to challenging low-light environments.
  • High-Speed Shooting: Capture dynamic scenes and fast-paced action with the BURANO’s high-speed shooting capabilities. It supports up to 120 frames per second in 4K, allowing for smooth slow-motion footage and cinematic effects that bring your vision to life.
  • Advanced Color Science: Benefit from Sony’s renowned color science, which delivers accurate and vibrant colors. The BURANO’s advanced color processing ensures that your footage has rich, true-to-life hues, enhancing the overall visual appeal and making your creative projects stand out.
  • Modular Design: The BURANO’s modular design offers unmatched flexibility and customization. Easily integrate various accessories and peripherals to tailor the camera to your specific needs and shooting requirements. This modularity ensures that you can adapt the setup for different production scenarios and workflows.



  • Feature Films: Create visually captivating and immersive feature films with the BURANO’s exceptional image quality and performance. Its high-resolution capabilities and advanced features enable you to produce cinematic masterpieces that engage and impress audiences.
  • Television Productions: Enhance your television productions with the BURANO’s 8K resolution and sophisticated color science. The camera’s advanced technology allows for high-quality visuals that elevate the production value of television content.
  • Commercial Advertising: Capture eye-catching visuals for commercial advertising campaigns with the BURANO’s stunning aesthetics. Its detailed imaging and vibrant color reproduction make it ideal for creating compelling advertisements that grab viewers’ attention.
  • Documentary Filmmaking: Document the world around you with the BURANO’s versatility and reliability. Whether you’re shooting in challenging environments or capturing breathtaking landscapes, the camera’s high-resolution and advanced features provide the tools needed to produce impactful and engaging documentaries.


At Camorent, we are dedicated to providing top-tier equipment that supports your creative endeavors. The Sony BURANO embodies this commitment by offering unparalleled performance and versatility for professional filmmaking. Elevate your projects and achieve stunning results with this advanced camera system.

Choose Camorent for a seamless rental experience and expert support. Our knowledgeable team is here to help you find the perfect gear for your needs. Discover the Sony BURANO and experience the future of high-resolution filmmaking.

Feature Description
Product Name Sony BURANO
Resolution 8K
Sensor Full-Frame Sensor
High-Speed Shooting Up to 120 fps in 4K
Color Science Advanced Color Processing
Design Modular and Customizable
Applications Feature Films, Television Productions, Commercial Advertising, Documentary Filmmaking

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