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  • Carl Zeiss CP3 Lens Kit
Delivery & Pickup Conditions:
  • Orders Over INR 20,000: Delivery and pickup are available.
  • Orders Under INR 20,000: Pickup from our 24/7 store.
  • Anytime Service: Pickup and delivery can be arranged any time, 24/7.
Rental Cycle:
  • Pickup: From 08:00 AM on rental day. Rental starts at 08:00 AM.
  • Return: By 08:00 AM the next day. Late returns may incur extra fees.
  • Late Fee: Charged for each 24-hour period if not returned by 08:00 AM.
ID: Car/CP3/Len/Kit

Carl Zeiss CP3 Lens Kit

Explore the Carl Zeiss CP3 Lens Kit, an elite collection of cinema prime lenses offering exceptional clarity and color accuracy. This versatile kit includes multiple focal lengths, each designed to meet the diverse needs of professional filmmakers. From wide-angle to telephoto, each lens ensures minimal distortion and consistent image quality.
Delivery & Pickup Conditions:
  • Orders Over INR 20,000: Delivery and pickup are available.
  • Orders Under INR 20,000: Pickup from our 24/7 store.
  • Anytime Service: Pickup and delivery can be arranged any time, 24/7.
Rental Cycle:
  • Pickup: From 08:00 AM on rental day. Rental starts at 08:00 AM.
  • Return: By 08:00 AM the next day. Late returns may incur extra fees.
  • Late Fee: Charged for each 24-hour period if not returned by 08:00 AM.
₹5000/- per day

Introducing the Carl Zeiss CP3 Lens Kit, a premier selection of cinema prime lenses crafted for the highest standards in filmmaking. Available at Camorent, this kit features a range of focal lengths, each offering superior optical performance and versatility. Let’s delve into each lens in the CP3 Kit and discover how they can elevate your cinematic vision:

  • 21mm T2.9: The 21mm T2.9 lens is a wide-angle lens perfect for capturing expansive landscapes and dramatic wide shots. Its wide field of view allows for dynamic compositions and detailed background scenes. With excellent sharpness and minimal distortion, it’s ideal for architectural shots and immersive environments.
  • 28mm T2.1: The 28mm T2.1 lens offers a versatile focal length that works well for both wide shots and moderate close-ups. It provides a natural perspective with great depth of field control, making it suitable for interviews, narrative scenes, and general-purpose shooting. The fast T2.1 aperture enhances performance in low-light conditions.
  • 35mm T1.5: The 35mm T1.5 lens is a go-to for a wide range of cinematographic needs. Its natural perspective closely matches the human eye, making it ideal for interviews and medium shots. The wide aperture allows for creative control over depth of field and subject isolation, providing a beautiful bokeh effect.
  • 50mm T1.5: Renowned for its classic look, the 50mm T1.5 lens is essential for portraiture and medium shots. It delivers sharp, detailed images with minimal distortion and excellent color fidelity. The fast aperture provides superb low-light performance and allows for fine control over depth of field and background blur.
  • 85mm T1.5: The 85mm T1.5 lens excels in capturing flattering portrait shots and close-ups. It compresses the background to isolate the subject, creating a visually appealing separation. Its fast aperture provides beautiful subject isolation and a creamy bokeh, making it perfect for dramatic and cinematic scenes.
  • 135mm T2.1: The 135mm T2.1 lens is a telephoto lens designed for capturing distant subjects with clarity. Its longer focal length brings distant elements closer and compresses perspective, making it ideal for wildlife, sports, and intimate shots from afar. The T2.1 aperture ensures great low-light performance and subject isolation.

Each lens in the CP3 Kit is engineered to deliver consistent optical quality, providing uniform color balance and image performance across different focal lengths. Their robust build quality ensures reliability and durability in various shooting conditions, while the precise manual focus control enhances creative flexibility.

At Camorent, we are committed to providing high-quality equipment that enhances your filmmaking experience. The Carl Zeiss CP3 Lens Kit exemplifies our dedication to excellence, offering lenses that deliver unparalleled performance and versatility. Rent this premium kit through our hassle-free service and elevate your cinematic creations with precision and consistency.

Specification Details
21mm T2.9 Wide-Angle Lens, Ideal for Expansive Landscapes and Wide Shots, Excellent Sharpness and Minimal Distortion
28mm T2.1 Versatile Lens, Suitable for Wide and Moderate Shots, Natural Perspective, Great Low-Light Performance
35mm T1.5 Multi-Purpose Lens, Ideal for Interviews and Medium Shots, Natural Perspective, Creative Depth of Field Control
50mm T1.5 Classic Lens for Portraits and Medium Shots, Sharp and Detailed, Beautiful Bokeh, Excellent Low-Light Performance
85mm T1.5 Telephoto Lens, Flattering Portraits and Close-Ups, Subject Isolation, Creamy Bokeh, Dramatic Visuals
135mm T2.1 Long Telephoto Lens, Ideal for Distant Subjects, Perspective Compression, Great for Wildlife and Sports

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