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Delivery & Pickup Conditions:
  • Orders Over INR 20,000: Delivery and pickup are available.
  • Orders Under INR 20,000: Pickup from our 24/7 store.
  • Anytime Service: Pickup and delivery can be arranged any time, 24/7.
Rental Cycle:
  • Pickup: From 08:00 AM on rental day. Rental starts at 08:00 AM.
  • Return: By 08:00 AM the next day. Late returns may incur extra fees.
  • Late Fee: Charged for each 24-hour period if not returned by 08:00 AM.


The ARRI ALEXA LF is a high-end digital cinema camera renowned for its large format sensor capturing stunning, cinematic images. With exceptional image quality, wide dynamic range, and versatile recording options, it’s a top choice for professional filmmakers seeking the ultimate in image capture.
Delivery & Pickup Conditions:
  • Orders Over INR 20,000: Delivery and pickup are available.
  • Orders Under INR 20,000: Pickup from our 24/7 store.
  • Anytime Service: Pickup and delivery can be arranged any time, 24/7.
Rental Cycle:
  • Pickup: From 08:00 AM on rental day. Rental starts at 08:00 AM.
  • Return: By 08:00 AM the next day. Late returns may incur extra fees.
  • Late Fee: Charged for each 24-hour period if not returned by 08:00 AM.

The ARRI ALEXA LF is a groundbreaking camera that redefines cinematic possibilities. Its large format sensor delivers exceptional image quality with unparalleled detail, contrast, and color accuracy. The camera’s wide dynamic range allows for capturing both highlights and shadows with precision, offering filmmakers greater creative control in post-production.

With its robust build, modular design, and extensive customization options, the ALEXA LF is adaptable to various production environments. It supports a wide range of recording formats, including ARRIRAW and ProRes, ensuring compatibility with different workflows. Whether you’re shooting a feature film, commercial, or documentary, the ALEXA LF empowers you to capture stunning visuals that exceed expectations.

Feature Specification
Sensor Large Format CMOS
Image Format LF (4096 x 2160)
Dynamic Range 15+ stops
Recording Formats ARRIRAW, ProRes, Apple ProRes
Lens Mount LF Mount
Internal ND Filters 2, 4, 6 stops
ISO Range 200 – 5000
Shutter Speed 8 – 1/2000 sec
Viewfinder 5-inch OLED touchscreen
Connectivity 3G-SDI, HDMI, USB-C
Dimensions 220 x 180 x 140 mm
Weight 4.5 kg

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